Note: For version 7 of this install, you may receive a security alert stating "a secure connection cannot be verified". Enter your Lakehead Username & Password and click "Connect" when using the VPN.Place a check mark in box beside "Customize Port".Enter a Connection Name - (TSC suggests using "LU SSL" for SSL - Only SSL is available at this time.).Step 4: Enter the settings in each field as shown below and click apply. Step 3: Select "SSL-VPN" at the top of the box. Step 2: Click on "Config VPN" to add a VPN connection. Step 1: Click on FortiClient desktop icon to launch software. Please disable this feature if you leave your computer unattended for longer periods of time or connect to a wired connection. Windows "Power saving mode" may interrupt or disconnect you from the network. **Please note: Windows PC users may experience random connectivity issues when you connect a Windows-based mobile PC to a wireless home network. Once your work is complete, you can simply disconnect the client to end your sessions.

This access includes file shares, printers and internet traffic. VPN or Virtual Private Network allows you to connect from outside our network, create a secure encrypted connection and access internal resources as if you were connected locally, on campus.